Sede Legale e Stabilimento in Carisio (VC) 13040 ITALY
Strada Complanare, 10

Tel. +39 0161 937111
Telefax +39 0161 937223
Telefax +39 0161 937225


Società Unipersonale
Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento della CORDIFIN S.p.A.


Semilavorati di Rame e Zinco

Quality and experience "at hand"

Quality and experience at handSACAL - Società Alluminio Carisio, can boast now a leading position in refining aluminium, and this is confirmed by its traditional presence in this area.

SACAL reached the goal of giving the final user the widest range ever possible of secondary aluminium alloys for foundries. And this thanks to the constant updating of our production techniques, to our long experience, acquired through years, and to the particular care we put into laboratory researches.

Our competitiveness was increased by our will of doing well, the chasing technological development and more and more pressing requirements from our sector.
We have always been following a precise policy of quality, and this brought us the certificate ISO 9002 / UNI EN 21 in November 1994.

We really wish that quality and experience are “at hand”. This is the reason why we have a modern and efficient organization, able to guarantee a top-level service, with a particular care for human relationships with our Clients.